Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hundred children portraits 百子图

百 子图
,我们也叫它百字迎福图。在中国传统文化中有它的一种特定含义。由于它含有大或者无穷的意思,因此把祝福、恭贺的良好愿望发挥到了一种极至的状态。在 礼仪之帮的中国,上到古代的皇帝、士大夫,下到普通文人、平民,都愿意在喜庆、甚至平时用上它,因为大家相信,愿望好的结果一定会好

The Hundred Children Portrait - symbolises good fortune, unity and abundance.
It is said that people from all walks of life, come together and celebrate hand in hand for they believe in a promising future which is yet to come.