Sunday, August 24, 2008
Story of Pi Xiu 貔貅

- A legendary hybrid creature which is considered to be a powerful protector especially to practitioners of Feng Shui. It has an amphibious nature and particularly, it has quite a voracious appetite towards only gold and silver. Therefore, it is regarded as an auspicious creature that has the power to draw Cai Qi (財氣 wealth) from all directions. Furthermore, it is helpful especially for those who have been going through a bad year according to Chinese Zodiac.

Myth reveals that Pixiu has violated a law of heaven so the Jade Emperor punished this creature by restricting his diet to gold only and also sealing his anus to disallow the creature from defecating. Thus, Pixiu can only absorb gold but cannot expel it. This marks a symbol of acquisition and preservation of wealth for Pixiu


貔貅生性凶猛,因为没有肛门,只进不出的传说让它的招财能力更加令人坚信不移. 传说中它可是非常喜爱金银财宝的味道,常常会咬回很多财宝博得主人的欢心喔
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